Here are links to videos of the church construction from January to April 2017.
First Video Second Video Third Video Fourth Video Fifth Video
8 May 2017 - The final bricks of the walls are being laid next week. The walls around the entire church now stand at 48 ft from the floor. The arches are set both in the sanctuary and in front of the church. The 3ft pillars are poured up to their final height of 48ft. The next major step in the parapet which will extend 2ft out from the wall around the entire church. It will take almost 1 month to complete as the wood form needs to be made and then for it to be poured at that hieght will take some time. Once the parapet is finished, the roof will be able to be welded together, and the roofing tiles assembled. Before the roof can go on, the sides will need to be plastered with a special kind of plaster to ensure the moisture in the air will not effect the sides of the church. The goal is still to have the roof on before August. Please pray and continue to be generous in this wonderful work for the Glory oF God.
7 April 2017 - The arch in front of the church has been poured, 30 ft wide and 15 ft tall, standing 34 ft from front porch level. As you approach the arch from the courtyard, you are greeted by a view of the windows just above the choir loft. The gospel side wall now stands at 48 ft above the floor of the church. It remains just the cement lintel to be pour over the top of it to finish the gospel side wall. The epistle side wall stands at 39 ft above the floor, which is the level of the top of the windows. The 3 ft pillars in the front of the church now stand at 37-38 ft, needing about 12 ft to reach their height. The arch is being set up in the sanctuary now, it will be the same size as the arch in the front of the church but a few feet higher. The trusses are being welded together as they will be made of angle-iron. Church construction is moving along. Again, we ask for your continued prayers as the church construction moves forward. We are very grateful for all our benefactors as it is only with your prayers and generous support that we have progressed thus far. The goal is to have the roof on before August. God reward your charity!
30 January 2017 - The church construction is continuing in full force. 32 pillars have been poured, 2 in the sacristy, 6 in the sanctuary, 16 in the nave, 4 under the choir loft, and 4 in the front of the church, 2 of which will stand 50 ft. tall though currently they are 17 ft above ground. The steps, and porch in front of the church have been poured. The stairs leading to the choir loft have been poured, and hopefully, in the next week, the choir loft itself will be poured. It will sit on top of the pillars, 17 ft above the floor of the church. After the choir loft is finished, there will be built a 2 ft x 1 ft beam that will sit on top of the pillars going around the entire church. On that beam, the cement blocks will be laid until the height of the church (50 ft) is reached. Besides the beam, the other looming project is the construction of the 2 arches, 1 in the sanctuary and the other in front of the church. The arches will stand on two pillars which are 30 ft apart and begin about 20 ft above the floor. Again, we can do none of this without the generous support of our benefactors, in the United States, Europe, and in Nigeria. Please keep the construction of the new Shrine to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Nne Enyemaka Ebebe) in your prayers, and as a reminder, Holy Mass is offered every Sunday for our friends and benefactors.
21 Nov 2016 - The current status of the church construction can be seen in the pictures below. Thousands of blocks have been made for the walls. Now, we are forming the pillars that will hold up the upper walls and roof, and then comes the raising of the roof. The holes for the pillars have been dug. Work is ramping up quickly now with the hope that most of the Church can be completed in the next few months. An engineer / project manager has been hired and he has brought a few people he worked with in the past to accompany him. His previous work building churches here in Nigeria was exceptional. The parishioners here have been very generous with their time and are very excited about the next stage of construction. From all over Nigeria, the faithful have come to donate and to see this church be built for God and for the Traditional Latin Mass.